Monday, March 21, 2011

iyard 1.0 - The beginning

Yesterday, I woke up to the first redwing blackbird call of the year. For me, this shrill sound garantees the coming of spring. It was a day early. Not bad for a bird that doesn't know about our Gregorian calander!

Canadian seasons have big egos though and don't let their place to each other so easily. Today, we were graced with a soft blanket of snow as winter let out the last of its breath. But spring is in town and it knows it. The Canada geese know it too; I saw and heard a small flock of 26 swoop over my yard this morning.

My yard...this is what it's all about. My yard is not very big (in my rural Canadian standards); it's about 6,000sq feet for the number crunchers (minus the house, so the actual yard is probably about half that).

I decided to start a Blog about my yard to document its biodiversity. Without being too scientific, I hope I will be able to compile meaningful information about this local biosphere. It should also demonstrate how rich an ecosystem a small yard can be. It is in a way meant to broadcast eco-friendly ways...

I will pepper the posts with photography as well since I am an amateur of this medium. I hope one day it generates enough interest to attract followers that may be able to interact and even maybe answer some questions I may have about plants, insect species etc...

Let the fun begin...